Photo: Mia Linnman
This retro-mix styled apartment belongs to one of my workmates. It's a small, light apartment with only one room and a kitchen but I think Linda (picture above) has made it very personal and nice, soon she's moving to a bigger place.
What a cozy apartment! Excellent inspiration for tiny spaces!
Yes, very fun and personal indeed! She must be a delight to hang out with! And you take the best photos, Mia! (LOVE the first image). I so need a new camera...(and perhaps some photo classes!)
ox, Mon
wow, I am envy! this place is amazing!!
Wow. She has great style.
You do realize that you could have a side (or full) career as an interiors photographer, don't you? Your photos are fantastic. And this place deserves your good photography - it is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing!
Wonderful picture. great retromix!
oh my, I love that pillow.
Hjälp vad fint!
Har hon flyttat till ett större hem än? Det måste hon ju bara visa upp också i så fall! :)
löydä kaikki suomen parhaat pikavipit helposti..
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