It was a long time since I made a fashion post, so it's about time, especially as fashion is a great source of inspiration for both art, interior design and life itself. Lately I've fell in love with Chanel ... enjoy these beautiful pictures for spring/summer 2010. Photos: Karl Lagerfeld.
Karl took the photos?
I thought it odd that because there are so many tatooed women out there, the Chanel model has the word Plimpton tatooed on her forearm.
Gillart!! Jag tror skarpt på trätoffeln, har köpt "moheda toffel" i svart med klack, så fort solen tittar fram skall dem sportas flitigt till jeans och vit T-shirt, Fräscht.
These are amazing! Fabulous backgrounds, fabulous dresses and quilted Chanel bags!
The images are amazing - love the juxtaposition between sophisticated fashion and the raw backdrops. If only I could afford me some Chanel. Sigh!
Lovely photos. The dresses are fantastic. Have a nice weekend! :-)
Yes, that particular Chanel campaign is fantastic! Love the matador influence.. Chanel always rocks!'
I love your blog!!
I really adore this Chanel ads that were filmed in my city,Buenos Aires.
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