Monday, 4 May 2009

Worn but sophisticated ...

Hoppas att ni blir lika inspirerade som jag av de här bilderna från designern Michel Perrys hem i Bourgogne, Frankrike. Bilderna är tagna av Jean-François Jaussaud via Luxproductions.

Hope you'll get as inspired as me by these lovely pictures from the designer Michel Perry's home in Bourgogne, France. The photos are taken by Jean-François Jaussaud via Luxproductions.


Waxy said...

That staircase is amazing! What a lovely home!

The Clever Pup said...

Amazing space. I like it alot. Thanks for sharing.

from the right bank said...

The fact that this amazing house is in Bourgogne makes me love it even more. It's one of my favorite parts of France.

from the right bank said...

Hi, Mia, thanks for your comment - isn't Bourgogne just wonderful? When we lived in Paris, we had this dream of one day buying a small vineyard there. We still talk about that once in a while. :)

Caroline said...

underbart, där vill jag verkligen leva mitt liv ; ) kram på dig