Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Art Fair

New year and new challenges! This year I have promised myself to dare more, to step outside my comfort zone and release the need of control. A part of this is to participate to Parallax Art Fair in Kensington, London this weekend. It will be great fun and exciting to do something new. There's also some new work on my website. Photo: Mia Linnman.

Sunday, 28 January 2018


We spent New Years Eve in Cannes, France. It's really a pleasure to be there off season. 
Soon january has come to an end, a fresh year is laying before us with opportunities and adventures. Isn't that wonderful? Luckily I have no personal complaints of 2017. Me and my family is healthy, we have the privilege to travel the world and there's harmony in our lives. I hope for love and peace to everyone and the earth this year! Let's go! Photo: Mia Linnman.