Wednesday 13 July 2011


I could spend my working days in a place like this. Picture via "Brown dress with white dots"


17doors said...

I could too, it is divine!

Meine Dinge Franka said...

Me too!!!
And the windows a bit deeper to have a better look outside!
O I've forgotten it's an office!



La Almoneda de Gabriela said...

Ummm me too!!! Its great!!!

Slices of Beauty... said...

J'adore too, very inviting!

Kate Lewis said...

yes, so simple and peaceful!

the super ordinary said...

Me too !!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful space - I love the chair!

Cassie said...

Ah, now this is fantasy! (It truly is ... the lamp has no cord.) Maybe all I need to become a productive person is a a room like this in which to work.

Stacey said...

big windows and loads of natural light-great ingredients for a tdf space!

Andrea said...

God Yes. Love it. So light and understated.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine that thoughts become much lighter in this airy room :)

Unknown said...

ah the luxury of space! Hope your little one is doing well and not keeping you up too much! xo

liza said...

So pretty, Mia!